World Kindness Day Activities for kids

Maybe you’re not ready to start doing Thanksgiving activities for your therapy sessions…and who really wants to talk about Election Day? So here are some fun activities to celebrate World Kindness Day with the children in your life! Everyday should be kindness day! Whether you doing teletherapy, in-person or schooling your own children at home, I hope you find an activity that inspires you!

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I couldn’t think of a better holiday to celebrate on my birthday than World Kindness Day!

Even though I believe everyday should be kindness day…it makes my heart happy that there’s one day dedicated to everyone being on the same page.

Plus, I’m not too ready to rush into Thanksgiving yet because that means Christmas is right around the corner. (Is it just me or does Christmas sneak up on you every year too?)

I’ve compiled a few ideas for you to use in your therapy sessions this year and a few free printables that you can use in person or via teletherapy sessions or even at home with your own kiddos.

Hope you enjoy!

Kindness book recommendation

If you’ve been following me for a little bit, you know that I love sharing books in my Occupational Therapy sessions.

It’s such a fun way to tie our motor goals to academic goals.

Here’s a cute one that pairs nicely with other social-emotional programs you may be using.

After the book, you could use some of the following writing prompts to get some writing practice in:

  • Name 3 ways you can demonstrate kindness.

  • What’s the last kind thing you did for someone else?

  • After you’ve made a mistake, how can you be kind?

For younger students, this is a cute book!

Follow up the book with a discussion about how the child can fill someone else’s bucket and a drawing or craft.

Kindness Word Search

Use the above link to complete this word search via screen share.

I like to turn this into a game by taking away the screen after students find as many words as they can and then work on memory, spelling and writing by making a list of as many words they can remember.

For older students, you could also take those words as inspiration to write sentences.

For younger students, draw pictures that represent those words.

Kindness Crack the Code and Coloring Sheet

Use them on screen or off to color and reveal the hidden message.

A great way to work on fine motor skills and letter formation!

Kindness Rocks

We did this activity with my boys in the spring. It was such a fun activity and we stretched it out for a whole week.

  • Day 1: We went for a hike to find the perfect rocks.

  • Day 2: We cleaned the rocks with soapy water and a toothbrush to get some fine motor practice.

  • Day 3: We painted one side of the rocks.

  • Day 4: We painted the other side of the rocks.

  • Day 5: We took a bike ride around our neighborhood and hid the rocks.

This ended up spreading so much joy around our neighborhood.

We posted a picture of our finished rocks to our community Facebook page and told neighbors to search for them.

Once they found a rock, they posted a photo of themselves with it and were to hide it in a different spot.

The hunt continued for several months and it was so much fun to have something to look forward to doing each day on our outings.

If you’re needing more inspiration for other random acts of kindness check out this post.

Please BE KIND and share this post with anyone working with children.

Let’s make our world a kinder place one kid at a time!

Don’t forget to grab your FREE PRINTABLE

Melanie Batista, OTR/L

Melanie Batista is a licensed occupational therapist and founder of Growing Little Brains. She has over 24 years experience with expertise in helping children of all ages and their caregivers grow and learn. Melanie also has 2 boys of her own at home. 


20+ Low-prep March book activities to promote motor skills


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